This article will focus on the tools that were developed and used during the making of the game. It turn out to be a rather large article so it's split in two posts. Basically a tool is everything that helps get the game done, like a level editor or a profiler. We used some external tool aside from the content creation applications like, Photoshop and After Effects. I will cover those after covering our own tools.
Before jumping to the different tools, I will first give a short overview of the managers the we used in the engine. There are certain services, routines or data that might be needed at any time in the execution of the game. File reading, resource loading and camera properties are good examples of such services. To make them available at all times we use managers, which are just simple singleton objects. At first we used static methods to wrap the actual object calls, making the calls a bit shorter, but we later decided for a more simple implementation. What follows is a short piece of the code from the camera class.
// Camera.cs public class Camera : ISceneNode { private static Camera instance; // Gets the instance of the camera; there can be only one. public static Camera Instance { get { return instance; } } public Camera(float camSizeX, float camSizeY, GameWorld world) { // ctor code ... } public void Initialize() { instance = this; } // some camera code... }
There is only one instance of the singleton object that can be referenced. The parameters in the constructor give the dependencies order among the managers. This strategy was used for many of the tools that will be discussed next.
Debug Drawing
The very first tool that was implemented was the debug drawing. Textures might go missing, shaders might be buggy, triangles might get clipped, scaled, culled and not render at all. Developing a game in the dark can be extremely frustrating and inefficient, so this is where the debug drawing comes in to let us know exactly what is happening in the game. In a game engine usually drawing should only be done within a draw method and might need to set up many shading and rendering parameters. This is the exact opposite of what we need, so we made a debug draw that allows us to call drawing of colored lines from anywhere in the code. This can help visualize local variables like velocities, grids and such. Here is a short piece of code from the debug drawing manager.
// DebugDraw.cs public class DebugDraw { protected static DebugDraw instance; // Needs a static instance to be able to answer static calls public static DebugDraw Instance { get { return instance; } } // lines public VertexPositionColor[] lines; public int linesCount; public DebugDraw(Game game) { graphicsDevice = game.GraphicsDevice; effect = new BasicEffect(game.GraphicsDevice, null); lines = new VertexPositionColor[80000]; // linesCount = 0; } public void Initialize() { // Set static instance to this DebugDraw.instance = this; } public void DrawLine(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, Color color) { if (linesCount + 2 > lines.Length) return; // Silent error lines[linesCount++] = new VertexPositionColor(start, color); lines[linesCount++] = new VertexPositionColor(end, color); } public void Update(float dt) { // Clear all out linesCount = 0; } public void Draw(float dt) { if (linesCount > 0) // call XNA line drawing ... } }
The approach is very simple; all the vertices are stored in a fixed array and the calls are accumulated into the array. During the render phase, lines are drawn with a single draw call, which is very efficient. Circles and such are simply composed out of multiple line segments. Similarity, methods for drawing points were added too. With this in place we could visualize collision geometry, contact points, forces and similar stuff.
The next posts will discuss the profiler, level editor and some external tools, followed by a post on the water simulation and game play. So if you are curious, you can click the follow button in the top left corner or subscribe to the feed with you favorite reader.
The next posts will discuss the profiler, level editor and some external tools, followed by a post on the water simulation and game play. So if you are curious, you can click the follow button in the top left corner or subscribe to the feed with you favorite reader.